Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions of the patients regarding the haematological and urological tests.
Haematological tests
I will visit the laboratory for tests. Should I not have eaten?
It depends on the tests your physician has requested.
For some of them, such as blood sugar or triglycerides, the patient should not have eaten. For other tests, this is not necessary. Therefore, you should not have eaten.
I will visit the laboratory for tests. Shall I have taken my medication?
It depends on the test and the type of medicine. Therefore, it is good not to take medication before blood collection, unless your medication is absolutely necessary. If you are anxious about not taking your medication, you may call us the day before the test.
Do I have to make an appointment to take blood tests?
No, it is not necessary to make an appointment. However, you should come to the laboratory in the morning, until 11 at the latest.
There are tests that change during the day, so that if they are not done in the morning, they give different results. The measurement of iron is a typical case.
Tests shall be carried out immediately and without restrictions for patients with fever or emergencies.
I asked for a General blood test but you did not test my cholesterol, my uric acid, or urea.
General blood test includes the control of blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, haemoglobin and haematocrit.
Other tests, biochemical, hormonal, immunological, or urine tests are listed separately by name, e.g. Cholesterol, uric acid, urea etc.
Which tests does a Check-up include and how much does it cost?
The check-up is different for each person, depending on age, gender, history. In short, the check-up that will be performed on an infant, a man, or a woman etc. are different.
Urological tests
I have been asked to take a urological test. Do I have to bring the urine from home or give a sample at the laboratory?
Morning specimen is the best for a urine test.
The day before the test you should buy from a drugstore a urine collector (plastic cup) and bring the morning urine sample with you.
If, apart from the General Urine Test, you have been asked to also take a Urine Culture, before giving the urine, wash and wipe with a clean towel. Then, collect the urine in the urine collector.
When starting to urinate, it is better to let the first urine run into the toilet. Without stopping the urination, collect the remaining urine.
I had a urine test and in my answer you wrote “contaminated”.
It means that more than two types of germs were found in the test. This usually happens when other germs of the perinatal area are mixed in the urine sample. In such case, you should wash thoroughly and give a new sample, as described above.
The physician asked me to take a 24-hour urine test. How will I collect the urine?
The collection of 24-hour urine is done for various tests. You may need to follow a special diet for their identification. It may also be necessary to add a urine preservative in the bottle. So, you should consult with us.
The 24-hour urine collection is carried out as follows:
- You should buy from the drugstore a two-litre plastic bottle for 24-hour urine collection.
In the morning, as soon as you get up, urinate in the toilet. - (That is, you will not put the first urine in the bottle)
- From the next urination, you put all the urine in the bottle throughout
- the day and night.
- The last urine you put in the bottle will be that of the morning of the next day.
In short, you keep all the urine from one morning to another, except for the morning urination of the first day.
Attention! If you miss a urination or if you spill even some urine of a urination, the test result will not be correct.
Throughout the collection process, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator.